Generating k-combinations
Difficulty: | Medium |
Topics: | seqs combinatorics |
Given a sequence S consisting of n elements
generate all k-combinations of S,
i.e. generate all possible sets consisting
of k distinct elements taken from S.
The number of k-combinations for a sequence
is equal to the binomial coefficient.
(= (__ 1 #{4 5 6}) #{#{4} #{5} #{6}}) | |
(= (__ 10 #{4 5 6}) #{}) | |
(= (__ 2 #{0 1 2}) #{#{0 1} #{0 2} #{1 2}}) | |
(= (__ 3 #{0 1 2 3 4}) #{#{0 1 2} #{0 1 3} #{0 1 4} #{0 2 3} #{0 2 4} #{0 3 4} #{1 2 3} #{1 2 4} #{1 3 4} #{2 3 4}}) | |
(= (__ 4 #{[1 2 3] :a "abc" "efg"}) #{#{[1 2 3] :a "abc" "efg"}}) | |
(= (__ 2 #{[1 2 3] :a "abc" "efg"}) #{#{[1 2 3] :a} #{[1 2 3] "abc"} #{[1 2 3] "efg"} #{:a "abc"} #{:a "efg"} #{"abc" "efg"}})) |