Pairwise Disjoint Sets
Difficulty: | Easy |
Topics: | set-theory |
Given a set of sets, create a function which returns true if no
two of those sets have any elements in common (1) and false otherwise. Some of the
test cases are a bit tricky, so pay a little more attention to them.
(1) Such sets are usually called pairwise disjoint or mutually disjoint.
(= (__ #{#{\U} #{\s} #{\e \R \E} #{\P \L} #{\.}}) true) | |
(= (__ #{#{:a :b :c :d :e} #{:a :b :c :d} #{:a :b :c} #{:a :b} #{:a}}) false) | |
(= (__ #{#{[1 2 3] [4 5]} #{[1 2] [3 4 5]} #{[1] [2] 3 4 5} #{1 2 [3 4] [5]}}) true) | |
(= (__ #{#{'a 'b} #{'c 'd 'e} #{'f 'g 'h 'i} #{''a ''c ''f}}) true) | |
(= (__ #{#{'(:x :y :z) '(:x :y) '(:z) '()} #{#{:x :y :z} #{:x :y} #{:z} #{}} #{'[:x :y :z] [:x :y] [:z] [] {}}}) false) | |
(= (__ #{#{(= "true") false} #{:yes :no} #{(class 1) 0} #{(symbol "true") 'false} #{(keyword "yes") ::no} #{(class '1) (int \0)}}) false) | |
(= (__ (set [(set [distinct?]) (set [#(-> %) #(-> %)]) (set [#(-> %) #(-> %) #(-> %)]) (set [#(-> %) #(-> %) #(-> %)])])) true) | |
(= (__ #{#{(#(-> *)) + (quote mapcat) #_ nil} #{'+ '* mapcat (comment mapcat)} #{(do) set contains? nil?} #{, , , #_, , empty?}}) false) |