Associative destructuring 2


de-structuring these data into chunk or pieces helps you find or use the data you need. Read on Destructuring
test not run
(= '("4 Ipsum left" "6 Lorem right" "5 1234 left" "2 221b left" "0 xiv left")
    (fn [mydata]
      (let [{text :text pos :pos idx :idx} mydata]
        (str idx " " text " " pos)))
test not run
(= '("Ipsum 1 :alpha" "Lorem 2 :alpha" "1234 3 :numeric" "221b 4 :alpha-numeric" "xiv 5 :roman")
    (fn [{:keys [text id ttype]}]
      (str text " " id " " ttype))

Code which fills in the blank: