Anagram Finder
Difficulty: | Medium |
Topics: |
Write a function which
finds all the anagrams in a vector of words.
A word x is an anagram of word y if all the letters in x
can be rearranged in a different order to form y.
Your function should return a set of sets,
where each sub-set is a group of words
which are anagrams of each other.
Each sub-set should have at least two words.
Words without any anagrams should not be included in the result.
(= (__ ["meat" "mat" "team" "mate" "eat"]) #{#{"meat" "team" "mate"}}) | |
(= (__ ["veer" "lake" "item" "kale" "mite" "ever"]) #{#{"veer" "ever"} #{"lake" "kale"} #{"mite" "item"}}) |